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BRW January Luncheon 

Bill Kaewert - The Politics of Energy: How the left is putting us all at risk

The Left’s green agenda is sending our nation down a sinkhole of pointless spending, creating poverty among the lower and middle classes with big new energy costs they can’t afford. Over his thirty-year career in energy, Bill Kaewert, CEO and Chief Technology Officer of Stored Energy Systems, has encountered first-hand the misconceptions created by the Left regarding so-called “climate change” that put us all at risk. He’ll tell us the facts about energy, the tragic delusions about solar and wind energy that are tricking America, the real agenda behind the Green New Deal, and what we can do about it.

Bill has worked closely with the FBI as a volunteer on power grid resilience, and founded his own non-profit to encourage grass-roots power resiliency, Resilient Utilities Now. In 2014 he helped mount a legislative campaign to hold our utilities responsible for resilient power generation that made it to the Colorado State House. Over the past thirty years he built Stored Energy Systems into the leading supplier of non-stop power systems for essential services such as power generation, water treatment, computer data centers, health care and more.

Bill majored in history at Dartmouth and holds an MBA from Boston University. He is a two-time Ironman finisher, and loves to cycle, run, fly gliders and ride dirt bikes.page1image3014932416 page1image3014932720 

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Boulder Republican Women (BRW)

provides a forum to draw together Republican women (and men) to foster and promote conservative principles. We are both a social and educational organization, providing the opportunity to connect with like-minded Boulderites in a stimulating environment.

At our monthly meetings, we sponsor interesting and thought-provoking speakers, addressing policies and politics from a conservative viewpoint. BRW provides a wide range of opportunities to be active in the community, from visiting the State Legislature to honoring our veterans to promoting candidates and ballot issues.

BRW is the place to get plugged-in to the best Republican women in Boulder County!

ADDRESS:  Post Office Box 21475, Boulder, CO 80308