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Moving Mountains in Boulder County!
Boulder County Republican's 2024 Summer Social hosted by Boulder Republican Women

Join the Boulder County Republicans for the 2024 Summer Social, hosted by Boulder Republican Women, where you will meet and greet the 2024 candidates, make new friends, see old friends, and learn about the issues.

WHEN: Saturday, July 20th from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
WHERE:  Revealed upon payment
COST:  $30.00 per person
REGISTER:  Online HERE or contact Marty Neilson at 303-747-2159

Our Master of Ceremonies will be Tom Tancredo, former Congressman.

Make your reservations now by clicking HERE!


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Boulder Republican Women (BRW)

provides a forum to draw together Republican women (and men) to foster and promote conservative principles. We are both a social and educational organization, providing the opportunity to connect with like-minded Boulderites in a stimulating environment.

At our monthly meetings, we sponsor interesting and thought-provoking speakers, addressing policies and politics from a conservative viewpoint. BRW provides a wide range of opportunities to be active in the community, from visiting the State Legislature to honoring our veterans to promoting candidates and ballot issues.

BRW is the place to get plugged-in to the best Republican women in Boulder County!

ADDRESS:  Post Office Box 21475, Boulder, CO 80308