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Home2022 Member Application

Become a member today!!


Benefits of membership include:

  • 9 Informative monthly meetings per year (Jan.-May and Sept-Dec) featuring interesting and thought-provoking speakers - including prominent leaders, topic/issue experts, and elected Republican officials. We meet the third Thursday of each month;
  • Subscription to our monthly newsletter (currently mailed and emailed) - keeping you informed about events and issues of interest to conservatives;
  • Listing in and a free copy of the BRW membership directory (plus opportunity to place ads in the directory);
  • Special events such as an annual summer BBQ and legislative day at the Capitol – plus many opportunities to meet candidates around election times;
  • Opportunities to gain knowledge about current legislative and policy issues;
  • Opportunity to seek a leadership position on one of our committees or to serve on our Board;
  • BRW membership includes annual membership in the Colorado Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) and the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW);
  • E-mail updates keeping you connected and informed of events of interest – you can elect to be automatically added to the Boulder County Republican email distribution list when you join BRW;
  • Numerous opportunities to socialize and discuss current issues at our happy hours, local events, and engage with other, like-minded conservative women.
  • Membership categories and dues are:

-Active Membership $50 per year;

-Spouse: $25;

-Associate: $25 (women who are Full members of another Republican Women’s club or men who are registered Republican; does not include voting rights)